Outreach & Advocacy Action Committee
Using your outgoing personality and passion to spread the word about MomsBloom!
Our outreach committee is a team of MomsBloom ambassadors who support our staff with their projects related to outreach, expansion efforts and advocacy. Members will engage in tasks such as attending events to share about MomsBloom, supporting volunteer recruitment efforts, and being social media ambassadors. This committee is focused on growing the village!
As a member of this committee, you may:
Be a representative of MomsBloom at community meetings and events
Support volunteer recruitment efforts
Engage on social media through finding postpartum content, sharing information, etc.
Our outreach committee meets monthly and committee members will be responsible for action items between meetings. Outreach committees are organized by county - we currently have committees for Kent and Ottawa counties.
If you are interested in connecting with our committee chairperson to talk more about this opportunity, please email us at bloom@momsbloom.org
To share you skills and talents in another way, learn more about our volunteer opportunities.